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The Enormous Tiny Experiment

Author: Anna Tikvah. 280 pages, soft cover. 2nd Edition published by the author June 2021


Book one of the three novels in the Tiny Experiment Series. Book two, Pain in Paradise,  will be available in December 2021. 


The Enormous Tiny Experiment collection is a new series by Anna Tikvah. Appealing to teens and younger adults, this rather zany, impossible setting provides a framework to explore the love and purpose God has for His creation from a different point of view. In this set of three novels, an atheistic Professor discovers a way to miniaturize life, and attempts to shelter his ‘creation’ from suffering and catastrophe. As the Professor proudly plays ‘god’ to the 21 Tinys in the amazing terrarium he designed, he gradually comes to empathize with the dilemmas and decisions that his own, unacknowledged Creator faces daily. What happens when some don’t enjoy his perfect world? What happens when jealousy, selfishness and misunderstandings ruin friendships and lead to tears? What happens when the gift of knowledge leads to destruction rather than benefitting the community? What happens when rules are created on a whim, or expanded upon by others? What happens when personal bias collides with free will? Sadly, in the Professor’s valiant attempts to create a world without suffering, he overlooked one obvious flaw… a flaw that undermines everything he thought he had figured out.


Anna Tikvah returns with a brand-new series for audiences 12 and up. In the first book, The Enormous Tiny Experiment, Professor Lemans has managed to create miniature humans – the Tinys – and plans to put them in a sheltered world where they will be provided with everything they could possibly need, and hopefully will not experience any pain or suffering like there is in the real world. Unfortunately, human nature and unexpected events mean that not everything goes to plan. It’s a great introduction for kids on topics such as creation and evolution, human nature, free will, God’s love and the importance of suffering. Ultimately, it provides a fantastic avenue to show the wisdom of God’s design in creation. 

Katie Stedman

South Australia


The Enormous Tiny Experiment

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