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Stormy Wind Fulfilling His Word

Author: Tony Benson, 152 pages, softback. First published in 1983 by the Christadelphian Scripture Study Service. This is the second edition 2010, revised and expanded.
The place of weather, volcanoes and earthquakes in fulfilling Bible prophecy. The author provides answers to two questions:
1. Is there any evidence that God has worked out His purpose with kingdoms and empires. as foretold in His Word by climatic changes?
2. Is there any evidence that political upheavals foretold in the Word (often symbolised by earthquakes) are proceded by literal earthquakes and climatic disasters as heaven-sent warnings?
"Praise the LORD from the earth,
Ye waterspouts, and all deeps:
Fire and hail, snow and vapour;
Stormy wind,fulfilling His Word."
(Psalm 148:7-8 RV mg.)
This edition contains an additional 24 pages.
There are two new chapters:
1.The catastrophe that changed the world for about 5 years from AD 535 - there was a drastic change in the climate caused by the blotting out of much of the light and heat from the sun.
2. Earthquakes in Israel
Three chapters on weather in the twenth century have been updated with information since the book was written in the early 1980's.
Two new sections have been added on The El Nino effect and A new exodus theory.

Stormy Wind Fulfilling His Word

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