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Speeches in the Acts

Author John Carter. 112 pages soft cover. Published by the Christadelphian Scripture Study Service November 2016.
The six studies which form the basis of this book were delivered in August 1952 at the Wilbraham Bible school in the United States - they have inspired many. Brought to Adelaide on "new technology" - long playing gramophone records (33 rpm) they became the focal point of a study class of young people who had heard about John Carter but never heard his voice. Subsequently the "new technology" was transcribed onto that trusty medium of paper in 1987 by the Australian Youth Conference committee and published by them as a momento of the conference.
Paper is being used again to make these studies available to the brotherhood.
The subjects covered by the studies are:
1. The Veracity of Luke's Historical Account.
2. Peter's Discourse to at Pentecost (Acts 2)
3. Peter's Speech to Rulers after the Healing of the Lame Man (Acts 3 & 4)
4. Stephen's Speech before the Sanhedrin (Acts 7)
5. Paul's Discourse in the Synagogue at Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13)
6. Paul's Defence Speeches (Acts 24)

Speeches in the Acts

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