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Christendom Astray

Author: Robert Roberts, paper back. 260 pages. This is the fourth printing of the 1951 edition. Published by The Christadelphian (CMPA).
Originally published as Twelve Lectures in 1862. First published under its present title and with seventeen lectures in 1884.
"Popular Christianity (both in faith and practise), shewn to be unscriptual; and the true nature of the ancient apostolic faith exhibited."
The topics covered by the seventeen lectures are:
The Bible - What it is, and how to Interpret it
Human Nature Mortal
The dead unconscious until the resurrection - heaven and hell
Immortality a conditional gift to be bestowed at the resurrection
Judgement - awards to the responsible when Christ returns
God, Angels, Jesus Christ, and the crucifixion
The Devil not a personal supernatural being.
The Kingdom of God to be established on the earth
The promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob yet to be fulfilled.
The Kingdom of God the final act in the great scheme of human redemption
Christ the future king of the world
The covenant made with David to be fulfilled when israel is re-established under Christ
The second coming of Christ the only Christian Hope
The hope of Israel of the restoration of the Jews
Coming Troubles and the Second Advent
What must I do to be saved
The ways of Christendom inconsistent with the commanments of Christ.

Christendom Astray

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