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Christ before creeds

Christ Before Creeds
Rediscovering the Jesus of History
In “Christ before Creeds,” Jeff Deuble recounts his journey of discovery from Trinitarian Pastor to Unitarian Bible student. That journey involved intense Bible study, much soul searching, and a willingness to look again at many of his own long-standing beliefs. It was indeed a matter of “rediscovering” a man the author thought he already knew.

This well-written, easy-to-read, and relatively short (less than 200 pages) book gives a concise yet thorough look at the key principles involved in this topic. The development of the doctrine of the Trinity is powerfully outlined, showing that the Jewish Old Testament and the Christian New Testament speak nothing of this doctrine. His research is sound, and the inclusion of footnotes allows the reader to verify it for themselves if desired. Lists of the many resources used are also included in the appendices.

Writing in his book review, Bro Chris Sales says, "His reasoning from Scripture is also sound, and much of what he says would be welcomed from any Christadelphian platform on the topic of the nature of God and Jesus. In fact, he offers some ideas that I will have to add to my notes on the topic! That is because this account is from the perspective of someone who believed and preached the Trinity and gives insights that many Christadelphians (including myself) could never have seen for themselves."

Adapted from a book review written by bro Chris Sales, published in the Tidings Magazine. Read the full review here:

Hear a Podcast interview with the author on Wilderness Conversations:

Author: Jeff Deuble
Format: Paperback, 176 pages

Christ before creeds

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