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Camp Sinai

This story is a painting not a photograph.  A photograph gives a factural rendering of whatever scene the camera is pointing at when the shutter is opened, a painter will take that rendering, but will add an extra ingredient, imagination.  The essential framework of the story is based on scripture.  That some angelic provision will be made to look after the children of believers at the return of Jesus is strongly implied. 

As a CYC leader and Sunday School teacher the author Mike Page has constantly been asked two questions: "what will happen to us kids if Jesus returns before we're old enough to be baptised?" and "if the Kingdom is all about sitting under vine or fig tree all day, it sounds pretty boring; why should I want to be there?".  This story tries to suggest a possible answer to both questions.


Written for older youth, follow James, Matthew and Hannah, through the early months of the kingdom age. Based on the authors best guess of events at the return, this story is designed to stimulate the imaginations of young people and youth.


Camp Sinai

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